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Best Note Taking Apps for Students: A Comprehensive Guide

Every student's toolkit needs a note-taking app that just gets it. But what defines the best note-taking app for students? It isn't just about popularity – it's about finding the one that aligns with your learning style and study needs.

The quest in this blog ? To uncover the best note-taking apps for students, guiding you through the selection process to pick the one that’s right for you. Whether you need something straightforward for typing up notes, a visual space for your diagrams, or a tool that can keep up with your fast-paced group projects, we've looked into it all.

And yes, we’ll talk about SimplifyNote too – not because we have to, but because it’s got some features that are hard to ignore. Let’s dive into finding that perfect app that feels like it was made just for you.

Key Features Every Student's Note-Taking App Must Have

Note-taking apps are primarily designed for capturing information as is. This could be during lectures, meetings, reading, or when ideas come to mind. The emphasis is on recording the important informations accurately and quickly.

Here's the list of features that sets apart the best note-taking apps for students:

  • Quick Capture of Important Data: The best app should let you easily grab information from any source—texts, images, or videos. It should let you just highlight and capture ignoring the irrelevant.

  • Flexible Formatting: An ideal app offers varied formatting options to match your personal learning style, helping you digest and remember information better.

  • Effective Organization: Look for apps with robust organization features—tagging, categorizing, and searching—to keep your notes tidy and retrievable at a moment's notice.

  • Syncing: Your learning doesn't stop when you switch devices.

  • Easy Annotation and Idea Capturing: Your thoughts and ideas should be easily captured.

  • Snipping Tools: Given the complex arrangement of web pages, it's good to have a Snip any part of the screen you find important.

  • OCR Features: Transform photos of notes or textbook pages into editable, searchable text. This feature is crucial for students looking to integrate various information sources seamlessly.

  • Easy Sharing: Collaboration is part of the learning process. Your note-taking app should facilitate easy sharing of notes for group projects and study sessions.

Focusing on these features will help you find the best note-taking app for a student like you, that ease your studies and boost your learning experience.

How students should choose their best note taking app?

Every note-taking app offers its pros and cons. The best choice for you depends entirely on your specific needs as a student. Researchers require powerful citation tools, while high school students might prioritize easy formatting. We've carefully analyzed the most important features and compiled a list of the best note-taking apps tailored to diverse student needs.

Student Segment

Important Features To Look For

Best Note Taking App

Academic Researchers

Robust information capture, organization, and citation management

Tech-Enthusiast Student

Clean formatting, customization, seamless code and diagram integration

Visual Learner

Screenshot power, visual organization, and heavy image annotation

Students Learning from YouTube

Timestamped Notes, Transcript Integration, and Clean Interface

Medical Students

Visual Connections, Focused Analysis

Busy Student Juggling Multiple Tasks

Quick Note Capture Speed and Simplicity

Young Curious Mind

Easy Idea Capturing and Open format for brainstorming

Collaborative Learners

Efficient collaboration, Team Features, Customizable Workflows

Best Note Taking App for Students by Category:

Here's our top picks of note taking app categorized by students across academic discipline and their needs.

For Academic Researchers

Research demands robust information capture and organization. Image handling, citation and integration with PDFs are crucial.

Weava Highlighter interface, a top note-taking app for academic research students.

Weava Note Taking App, ideally developed for academic researchers goes beyond clipping to become a true knowledge management hub.


  • Highlighting System: Color-code and tag information on web pages and PDFs.

  • Central Repository: Keeps all your highlights in one place for easy access.

  • Citation Generator: Simplifies your workflow by creating citations for your sources.


  • Lack of a Snipping and Screenshot tool.

  • It's more of a highlighter extension, and have basic formatting options in its editor.

  • The organisation is in form of highlights rather than documents.

Best For: Students in PhDs domains needing advanced citation and highlighting capabilities.

For Tech-Enthusiast Student

Tech-savvy students value clean formatting, customization, and powerful features that play nicely with their other tools. They often need to embed code snippets, diagrams, and other elements within their notes.

Joplin app workspace showcasing Markdown support, ideal for tech-savvy student note-taking.

Think of Joplin as a powerful, open-source, and highly customizable alternative to Evernote. It puts privacy and flexibility at the forefront.


  • Markdown Support: Clean formatting with headings, subheadings, and bullet points for the scientific note-taking aesthetic.

  • Plugins and Extensions: Extend Joplin's functionality with a vast library of plugins, including tools for OCR (text extraction from images).

  • Image Embedding: Integrate essential flowcharts and diagrams directly into your notes.

  • Open Source: Joplin is completely free and open sourced.


  • Joplin needs to be installed with additional plugins and web clippers

  • Data capturing feature is not robust.

Best For: Students in engineering and programming disciplines who require extensive customization and technical note integration.

For Visual Learners

The ideal note taking app for visual learners is the one that's has full power to capture visuals and draw or write into it.

Fireshot tool for Website Screenshots and Annotations. Perfect for visual learners.


  • Screenshot Tool: Captures full pages, visible portions, or selected areas with ease

  • Annotate in images: Write comments in visual elements.


  • May not provide comprehensive note-taking features such as text formatting or organization beyond visual content.

Best For: Students learning from diagrams, charts, complex websites, or needing to annotate images heavily alongside their notes.

For Students Learning from YouTube

An ideal note taking app must consist of all the ways to capture information from YouTube videos.

LunaNotes app highlighting YouTube video transcription feature for student learning.

Designed specifically for YouTube learning, LunaNotes focuses on syncing your notes seamlessly with the video experience.


  • Timestamped Notes: Jot down points at specific moments in the video, and jump back with a click.

  • Transcript Integration: View and edit an automatic transcript beside the video for easier note-taking.

  • Clean Interface: Minimizes distractions, keeping the focus on the video content and your accompanying notes.


  • Limited to YouTube, may not offer functionality for note-taking from other video platforms or types of content.

Best For: Students who use YouTube as a primary learning resource and need an integrated way to take and organize notes from videos.

For Medical Students

Medical studies demand handling heavy text-based research as well as extensive visual reference materials.

LiquidText app demonstrating visual connections feature for medical student note-taking.

While its core strength lies in intricate PDF and document analysis, LiquidText also shines in how it integrates web research. This makes it perfect for medical studies


  • Visual Connections: Extract content, create links to other documents, and visually see relationships between concepts.

  • Focused Analysis: Annotate, highlight, and compare passages within complex medical texts.

  • Adaptable Workflow: Blend web-based research with your textbook notes using LiquidText's unique interface.


  • May have a learning curve for those not used to its unique interface and workflow.

Best For: Medical students managing dense text-based and visual materials, needing to draw connections across a wide range of sources.

For Busy Student Juggling Multiple Tasks

An ideal note-taking app for busy students must be something fast and focussed.

Notejoy app's simple and fast note-taking interface for busy students.

Simple, straightforward notes with the added benefit of easy sharing and real-time collaboration features. It focuses on no-fuss note-taking and getting things down quickly.


  • Speed and Simplicity: Designed for quick note capture and easy organization, enabling students to efficiently manage tasks.

  • Offers seamless sharing and real-time collaboration features, aiding group projects and study sessions.


  • Might lack advanced features found in other apps, such as extensive formatting or integration with external tools.

Best For: Students with a high volume of tasks who need a straightforward, efficient tool for note-taking and task management.

For Young Curious Mind

An ideal note taking app for young students should be the one build for modern minimalist.

Whink note-taking app showing idea capturing, great for curious minds and student brainstorming.

A "thinking" app with features for saving your thoughts, images, and web clippings. No overwhelming toolbars or complex formatting options – just a clean space to collect ideas.


  • Thinking Advantage: Let's add a line about how Whink's open format helps students jot down fleeting ideas, brainstorm, or start rough outlines before organizing them later.

  • Easy to Use: It has very less learning curve


  • Lack of Web Clipping

Best For: Students who appreciate simplicity and flexibility in note-taking. Whink's open format and intuitive design make it perfect for young, curious minds eager to document their ideas, thoughts, and discoveries without being overwhelmed by unnecessary complexity.

Collaborative Learners

An ideal note taking app for this segment must offer extensive collaboration features including incline commenting and chatting.

Notion app's collaboration workspace, a comprehensive note taking solution for student group projects.

A versatile tool that shines in collaborative settings, offering extensive features for teamwork and personal organization alike.


  • Web Clipping: Easily save and integrate external content into your notes.

  • Team Features: Collaborate through shared workspaces, comments, and more.

  • Customizable Workflows: Tailor Notion to fit both group projects and individual study needs.


  • High learning curve. The vast array of features and customization options in Notion can be overwhelming for new users, requiring time and effort to master.

Best for: Students in business domains.

SimplifyNote: The Ultimate Note-Taking App for Students in 2024

SimplifyNote is the all round note-taking champion for students in 2024. Google Docs integration and smart features make it a standout choice for any discipline.

Tailored Features for Every Student's Needs

Let's explore how SimplifyNote's features meet the unique requirements of different academic fields and demonstrate why it is the greatest note-taking app for students.

For Academic Researchers

  • Fastest Web Clipper: Effortlessly capture essential text, images, and video content directly into your notes by just highlighting it.

  • PDF Support: With its own PDF reader, note taking is as easy in PDF as it is in webpages.

  • Organized Knowledge: It offers notes management through a dedicated Notes Tab maintaining a well-sorted knowledge base.

For Tech-Enthusiast Students

  • One click image addition: SimplifyNote allows you to just tap into an image and it'll get added to your note.

  • OCR: Students learning programming from videos can extract the code snippet using the OCR feature.

For Visual Learners

  • Snipping Tool: Any visual element can be added using the snipping/screenshot tool.

  • Fastest image clipping: Capture diagrams or image by just tapping on it.

  • Flexible Organization: Link ideas and concepts visually within Google Docs, catering to those who thrive on mapping out information.

For YouTube Learners

  • Full Page Screenshot: Capture important slides from videos using the Full page Screenshot feature.

  • OCR: Extract text from slides in youtube videos.

For Curious Young Minds

  • What's On Your Mind Feature: Note down spontaneous thoughts and ideas even without opening your note in a formatted manner.

For Busy Student Juggling Multiple Tasks:

SimplifyNote is an easy to use tool with no fuss in note taking.

  • Uninterrupted Note Taking: User can just highlight a text, image or snip and it'll be added to their notes in a formatted manner without interruption.

For Collaborative Learners

For those who work in team and collaborative projects, SimplifyNote helps group study and project coordination:

  • Google Docs Integration: Share documents with ease, engage in inline commenting, and collaborate in real-time, making SimplifyNote a hub for collective academic works.

Conclusion: The Search for Your Perfect Study Companion

The journey to finding the best note-taking app for your specific needs might involve some exploration. But remember, the effort is worth it. In 2024, the right note-taking app isn't just a tool, it's your study companion that gonna simplify your learning process.

We invite you to test the apps mentioned, assess their features, and see how they can enhance your learning.

SimplifyNote: The best note taking app for students in 2024

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